PoCo Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting guide for Natalie the Nerd's (PoCo) Pocket Colour kit

While this is an easier method to build a Pocket Color, it is still a challenging project and you will need to be confident in your soldering skills.

By purchasing this kit, you are accepting all risks, costs and acknowledging that I (Natalie the Nerd) am not obligated to provide support or troubleshooting. I am not at fault if you ruin your Game Boy. 

Check for continuity between the following points

Check for continuity between the following points (click the image to enlarge it).

If you are having issues with continuity, reflow the solder joints.

If you are still having issues, you may have broken the flex. You can wire to the pads instead.

Alternative wiring points


Use alligator clips with 2 AA batteries or 3V. Attach them according to the following diagram, the positive lead on 1 the negative lead on 3. The Game Boy should turn on regardless of the power switch. If it doesn't, there may be an issue between the battery contacts and the DC board or with the DC board itself.

Testing the DC board:

With a multimeter, test the voltage of pin 7. You should be getting a reading of 5V. If not, the DC board is dead. 

Testing between the battery contacts and the DC

The poco bottom replicates the GBC. The schematic above shows the path from the battery contacts to the DC board and the power switch.

Following the power when the switch is OFF:

Along this line, you should have continuity

Following the power when the switch is ON:

Along this line, you should be able to test the voltage. It will be the same voltage as the batteries.

The fuses:
Check for continuity between each side of F1 and F2. If you do not get a beep, the fuses are dead.

Your solder joints should be nice and strong like this.